Do NEDRA only accept members who live in Edenbridge?

In short, no.

If you are interested in and passionate about the town of Edenbridge, live in one of the surrounding areas, such as Cowden, Four Elms, Crockham Hill and Haxted, but work here, shop here, or rely on our services, you are an essential part of our community.

So just to be crystal clear on this, the New Edenbridge District Residents’ Association does welcome members from our friends and neighbours in surrounding areas.

If you have a vested interest in Edenbridge, we want you to join us!

We believe in a strong, united community where everyone’s voice is heard. Your involvement helps make Edenbridge a better place for all of us.

However, while we are delighted to welcome members from surrounding areas, please note that our primary focus remains on Edenbridge itself. This means that our activities and advocacy are centred around issues directly affecting Edenbridge, although we always appreciate the support and perspectives from our neighbouring communities.

That said will collaborate on joint issues such as the 2040 local plan.

Is it difficult to join NEDRA?

If you have heard that it is difficult to join us let us dispel that myth for you now.

Now we have the website you can join directly and safely using our payment link options found on our ‘Join Us!’ page.

If you prefer not to use the links for any reason, all you need to do is drop an email to [email protected] and we will send you our bank details for a transfer. It could not be simpler.

We monitor our spam email so your emails will not be lost. Please make sure you save our email, info@ in your email contacts so our emails to you are not lost in your spam filters.

You can also join us at any of our public events, or any of the events we support in Edenbridge. Full details are on our Facebook page when we are doing any of these things. Come along and join at an event.

Does NEDRA only care about the Greenbelt?

We are currently working on the 2040 local plan and the unprecedented level of development planned for Edenbridge, a lot of which is planned for our greenbelt. So, it is right that the greenbelt is a current focus as the plan is coming back in the late summer 2023 for final comment.

We are also focusing on improving the service at the new medical centre, improving policing in Edenbridge and a range of other things that people are concerned about.

We are here for the long haul, and we care about the things that are important to the residents of Edenbridge. We will always defend our greenbelt, but it is not our only focus.

Is NEDRA against all development in Edenbridge?

We understand the need for affordable housing and that people who want to live in Edenbridge should be able to afford to do so. For the children and grandchildren who want to be close to their parents and grandparents, or people who work in Edenbridge, who might struggle to pay market prices.

We are 100% behind development for local needs. We even appreciate the need to ‘take one for the team’ in terms of taking our fair share of development from surrounding local areas. We are however concerned that affordable homes built in Edenbridge may not always go to Edenbridge residents.

What we do not agree with is the massive amount of over-development proposed for Edenbridge in the 2040 local plan. This is well above and beyond what Edenbridge should be expected to take. We ask for a fair and proportionate plan, in line with the right level and right timing of infrastructure requirements to go alongside that plan.

Do you have any other questions?

Please contact us with any questions you have, and we will add them to this document.