Our membership fees are kept very low to make it affordable and encourage people to join. You may of course donate more if you wish. All funds help us raise awareness and provide better support to the community.
A list of what your donations contribute towards can be found here under the section ‘What Does the Membership Fee Cover‘. If you would like to support us, please make a donation.
**Important** – after you add in your donation amount and click continue, please scroll down a bit on the next page and choose the option shown below ‘Pay as Guest‘ to provide your name and your email so we can keep you up to date with our news.
**(use the ‘full name field’ for your email and the ‘name on card’ for your name).**

To make a Donation – Click here
Your personal information will not be shared with any third parties. We will only use this information to collect your donation and we may email you occasionally with NEDRA communications which you can stop at any time by emailing [email protected]